The Ohio General Assembly has determined that Ohio will complete the 2020
primary election on April 28, 2020. The election will be largely completed by mail, with
limited in-person voting on April 28 the for the disabled and those without a home mailing
address. Please encourage individuals to visit to learn how to request
their Vote-by-Mail ballot.
Additionally, the legislation requires the Ohio Secretary of State’s Office to send
informational postcards to every registered Ohioan that explains how to request their
Vote-by-Mail ballot. Voters who want to cast a ballot must then either print out an
Vote-by-Mail ballot request form themselves or write out the necessary
information on a blank piece of paper, affix their own postage, and send it to their
county board of elections. Alternatively, registered Ohioans can call their county
board and ask for a Vote-by-Mail ballot request be sent to them. A directory of County
Boards of Elections can be found at
Boards will then process the request, print the ballot and send it to the voter. Each voter
must receive their ballot, cast their vote, and return the ballot in a postage-paid
envelope, postmarked by April 27th. Learn more at