AVOID COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

  AVOID COVID-19 Vaccine Scams Protect Yourself As COVID-19 vaccine distribution begins, here are signs of potential scams: You are asked to pay out of pocket to get the vaccine.vaccine-scams2020 You are asked to pay to put your name on a vaccine waiting list or to get early access. Advertisements for vaccines through social media platforms,…

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Ohio statewide mask mandate / Mandato de Uso de Cubrebocas en el estado de Ohio

** Ohio Statewide Mask Mandate ** ** Mandato de Uso de Cubrebocas en el estado de Ohio ** Governor DeWine announced that beginning on Thursday, July 23, at 6:00 PM, a statewide mask mandate will go into effect for citizens living in all 88 Ohio counties. All individuals in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at…

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La ciudad de Dayton, Ohio paso un decreto para usar mascaras mandatoriamente, empezando el Viernes 3 de Julio a las 8 de la mañana.

La ciudad de Dayton, Ohio paso un decreto para usar mascaras mandatoriamente, empezando el Viernes 3 de Julio a las 8 de la mañana. Dayton city ordinance on mandatory wearing of face masks begins 8 a.m. Friday ‘We’re not encouraging people to get into fights about this,’ Mayor Whaley said. https://www.whio.com/news/dayton-city-commission-vote-mask-mandate/pYURlNEWbH8Dd2wEtbInPM/ La nueva ordinanza las…

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Visit VoteOhio.gov to learn how to request their Vote-by-Mail ballot.

The Ohio General Assembly has determined that Ohio will complete the 2020 primary election on April 28, 2020. The election will be largely completed by mail, with limited in-person voting on April 28 the for the disabled and those without a home mailing address. Please encourage individuals to visit VoteOhio.gov to learn how to request…

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Social Security Public Affairs Team – COVID-19 Office Status

Hello from your Social Security Public Affairs Team.  We hope you and yours are doing well during this difficult time. A few things we wanted to make sure you are aware of: §  All local Social Security offices are closed to the public for in-person service as of Tuesday, 3/17/2020 due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. …

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Multi-lingual COVID-19 Information in Several Languages

Here are multiple files in different languages regarding facts and information about COVID-19. Spanish – Spanish_COVID19_InfoSheet Arabic – Arabic_COVID19_InfoSheet English – English_COVID19_InfoSheet French – French_COVID19_InfoSheet Somali – Somali_COVID19_InfoSheet

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USDA Rural Development implementing immediate relief customers, partners, and stakeholders.

https://www.rd.usda.gov/sites/default/files/USDA_RD_SA_COVID19_ProgramImmediateActions.pdf WASHINGTON, March 25, 2020 – USDA Rural Development has taken a number of immediate actions to help rural residents, businesses and communities affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Rural Development will keep our customers, partners, and stakeholders continuously updated as more actions are taken to better serve rural America. Read the full announcement to learn…

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Orden del Gobernador DeWine “Quedarse en casa” 3/22

Ver adjunto y abajo la nueva orden del Gobernador DeWine “Quedarse en casa”; Nuevas Restricciones Impuestas a las Guarderías Para Niños del 3/22. Preguntas más frecuentes de la orden “Quedarse en Casa” y en la página de OCHLA: https://ochla.ohio.gov/Portals/0/COVID-19/Spanish%20Resources/Preguntas%20Frecuentes%20de%20la%20Orden%20de%20Quedarse%20en%20Casa%20no.%202.%20Bz_SPANISH.pdf?ver=2020-03-23-101033-397&timestamp=1584972647113 Orden del Gobernador DeWine del 3/21 sobre: Se cerrará el apoyo diurno para discapacitados de desarrollo; Los pagos…

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