Eviction Moratorium (EM) Section 4024 of the CARES Act imposes a temporary moratorium on evictions, as well as a moratorium on fees and penalties related to nonpayment of rent. The eviction moratorium is in effect for a 120-day period beginning on March 27, 2020, the date the CARES Act was enacted. The temporary eviction moratorium applies to the Public Housing Program, the Section 8 HCV and PBV Programs, and the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) Programs administered by the Office of Public and Indian Housing.
Springfield Municipal Court has postponed eviction hearings, but landlords can still file. They will begin hearing cases again on May 20, with only 15 cases per week. As of this morning, the docket was filled up through July 1, and those filing today would have a court date of July 8.
At this time, HUD has instructed the City of Springfield that rental assistance available through government funds is limited to US citizens. We’re checking on whether that might include people with legal immigration status.
Mediation is available for landlord-tenant concerns for those residing in the City of Springfield (937) 324-7696. Or text (937) 450-1880. Fair Housing information, including landlord-tenant information ad referral available: City of Springfield (937) 324-7696. or text me at (937) 450-1880. Clark County (outside City of Springfield) (937) 521-2182.