Ohio Commission on Hispanic Latino Affairs OCHLA

Ohio Hispanic Latino Affairs OCHLA

Ohio Commission on Hispanic Latino Affairs OCHLA

Grant Opportunities 

The Ohio Latino Affairs Commission is pleased to share a variety of funding opportunities designed to support non-profits, schools, community organizations, local governments, and individuals. This month’s grants focus on key areas such as behavioral health services, animal cruelty prevention, agriculture initiatives, and child health programs. Below you will find details on six available grants that address the diverse needs of Ohio’s communities. We encourage eligible applicants to take advantage of these resources to drive positive change in our society. 

Children and the law | Resolution

Eligible organizations or individuals are highly encouraged to explore these grants and apply to all available resources. Grant’s featured in this week’s newsletter include: 

Behavioral Health 

Animal Cruelty


 Child Health

Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants – Multiple Communities in GA, LA, MD, MI, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WI

Amount: $1,224,493

Eligibility: State Govt., City Govt., County Govt., Non-Profit, School District

Application Due Date: December 20th, 2024 

Summary: The Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start (OHS) will solicit applications from public or private non-profit organizations, including community-based and faith-based organizations or for-profit organizations that wish to compete for funds to provide high-quality, comprehensive services to low-income infants and toddlers and their families through Early Head Start-Child Care

Awarding Agency: Department of Health 

For more details and to apply visit the link here

Finding Community (Where You Least Expect It) - Mindful

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Grant
AmountVaries but grants can go up to $1.5M

Eligibility: Non-profit
Application Due Date: Rolling
Grant Summary: This program supports children, families, and communities by fostering conditions that help vulnerable children succeed and contribute to society. It aims to create lasting change by addressing home, childcare, school, work, and community needs. Funding will focus on promoting a healthy start, quality early learning, maternal and infant health, improved nutrition, and access to oral health care, particularly in underserved communities. It also supports stable, high-quality jobs, especially for tribal-, minority-, and women-owned businesses, and promotes economic stability. Additionally, the program advances racial equity, community engagement, and leadership to solve local challenges, emphasizing health equity and policy reforms to ensure families and communities play active roles in child development.

Awarding Agency: W.K. Kellogg Foundation

For more details and to apply visit the link  here 


Strategy to Deliver Evidence-Based FallsPrevention Programs to Older Adults with Behavioral Health and/or Chronic Condition


Eligibility: State Govt., City Govt., County Govt., Nonprofit

Application Due Date: January 20th, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this funding opportunity is to support organizations to reduce falls and/or fall risk among older adults and adults with disabilities through the implementation of evidence-based fall prevention programs.

Awarding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services

For more details and to apply visit the link here

How to improve labour market outcomes for persons with disabilities -  Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission

Model Programs and Best Practices Grants 


Eligibility: School Districts

Application Due Date: November 15th, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this program is to help public school districts build or adopt model programs, based on evidence, to support students harmed by the opioid crisis. Model programs may include programs and best practices in areas such as teaching approaches, extended learning opportunities, mental health supports, restorative practices, forms of acceleration and enrichment, and using technology to foster student engagement and increase learning.

Awarding Agency: Public School Districts’ Opioid Recovery Trust

For more details and to apply visit the link here

Opioid Crisis in America | CMS

Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust

Eligibility: Non-profit

Application Due Date: December 15th, 2024

Summary: The purpose of this program is to support efforts by nonprofit organizations to prevent cruelty to animals and promote the humane treatment of animals, particularly companion animals such as dogs, cats, and other species of animals commonly kept as household pets.

Awarding Agency: Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust
For more details and to apply visit the link here

The Burpee Foundation Grants

Amount: Varies

Eligibility: Non-Profits

Application Due Dates: Rolling 

Summary:  The purpose of this program is to reduce hunger and promote well-being through investment in horticultural and agricultural projects. Funding will be provided to nonprofit organizations that will support the use of horticulture as a means for community building through school-age and adult educational programs, healthy eating, worker training, horticultural therapy, community gardening, and more.

Awarding Agency: The BurFor more details and to apply visit the link here

Online Horticulture and Human Health Master's Degree | Colorado State  University

These grants present an incredible opportunity for organizations across Ohio to enhance their impact and strengthen community ties. Whether your focus is on public health, agriculture, animal cruelty, or child health, there’s funding available to help bring your vision to life. We encourage all eligible organizations to take advantage of these resources. Don’t miss out, apply today!